ScienCell Research Laboratories

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Biotechnology company ScienCell for normal primary cells.

About ScienCell

The California-based biotechnology company ScienCell is the largest supplier of normal primary cells. Aside from 260 cell types (cryopreserved, at an early passage).

They also provide:

  • Primary cells (human, animal, and hematopoietic)
  • Cell culture media (specialty and classical)
  • Stem cells
  • Reagents
  • Gene expression analysis
  • Molecular biology
  • Cell-based assays
  • Growth factors

Examples of their unique products include complex isolatable cells, e.g., the Schwann cells, the Telomere length assay kits, and STEMium™ which is a specialty human cell growth medium. Also, ScienCell is the exclusive provider of GeneQuery. This is a gen expression primary cell-related qPCR kit which recognizes all known transcript variants of the target gene. Its performance is guaranteed with high efficiency and reproducibility.

“Helping the scientists of today, discover the science of tomorrow,,

A true accomplishment was ScienCell’s success of isolating the first human neurons for research purposes. While it is their mission to improve continuously, with their research, the scientists at ScienCell aim to develop new and better cell products for both experimental and therapeutic applications. For general and specific needs, as well as some niches. This allows doctors to help their patients with progressive illnesses, resulting in an improved quality of life.

Sanbio is your partner to contact for the BeNeLux countries if you require a tailored solution, advice about any cell biology product from ScienCell or about our sophisticated distribution system for these delicate products. Please do not hesitate to contact us at with your request.

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